Are you looking for a simple vegan meal?

You know the nights where you just can’t deal with dinner but you know you don’t want to order takeout either? Check out these three, 3-Ingredients, dinners to help solve your dilemma. 

Seitan (premade versions)+ pre-bagged broccoli (try cashew cheese dressing)+ sweet potato (slit open and bake or use microwave)

3 ingredient dinners for vegans

Frozen bag of Edamame + prebagged salad + instant quinoa (try making your tahini dressing-tahini, lemon, maple syrup, salt/pepper thin out with water!)

3 ingredient dinners for vegans

Pre Marinated tofu + parsley/tomatoes/cucumber salad (buy precut ingredients) + whole wheat wrap  ( add hummus or guacamole if you like)

3 ingredient dinners for vegans

Which simple vegan meal sounds the best to you? My favorite is the edamame bowl!

Do you want to want to feel confident with your vegan choices to reach your healthy weight goal?⁣ Apply for coaching to learn the Vegan Girl Method and start your journey for long-term success!


Carol Aguirre MS, RD/LDN