Losing your first 10 pounds
Almost 50 percent of Americans actively tried to lose weight within the last calendar year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. While multiple scientific studies have shown the effectiveness of plant-based diets for weight loss, not everyone will automatically lose weight after adopting a whole-food, plant-based diet. If you’ve been eating this way in hopes of achieving weight-loss but haven’t seen as much progress as you’d like, read on for six strategies:
1. Eating enough protein is key for helping you feel full and satisfied in between meals and boost that metabolism.
2. Have a consistent eating schedule: Eat at appropriate intervals between meals…don’t skip meals vegan babes, this usually leads to late night overeating.
3. Build balanced meals. Eat filling, fueling, blood-sugar stabilizing foods. Focus on proteins, fats, high fiber carbs and of course veggies!
4. Make movement a priority. Go for a walk. Go for a bike ride. Whatever you enjoy, so it’s consistent.
5. Add in your favorite food. You don’t have to cut out any foods. And thinking that you do usually makes the idea of losing fat feel restrictive. Which is one of the big reasons why this is not sustainable.
6.Learn how to manage your stress. So underrated but this is CRUCIAL for weight loss. stress increases a hormone called cortisol. If this is consistently high, it directs fat to the waistline area.
Want more? Here are my top 25 Tips for sustainable weight loss as a vegan.
Real results mean real work when it comes to long lasting weight loss! There are NO shortcuts to losing weight for lasting results. You can lose weight without stressing yourself to get the results you want. You don’t have to waste time, I am here to fast track you to success with my proven framework
I help vegan women get the confidence in their vegan choices for real results.
If you are serious about reaching your healthy weight learning the Vegan Girl Method the Click to Apply so you can get the education you need from a vegan Registered Dietitian (that’s me). I can teach you how to eat for fat loss and sustainable results.
For more on how to have successful weight loss on a nutrient-dense Vegan Diet, let’s connect!