Vegans should be able to party too! These tips for holiday parties will ensure you enjoy yourself as much as everyone else. With a little preparation, you don’t have to go hungry or feel awkward at your upcoming holiday parties. Try these tips for vegans holiday party survival.

Top 3 Vegan Holiday Party Survival Tips:

    Chances are, non-vegans don’t know how to make vegan dishes (remember how much learning it took for you). So why not help them out; the best tips for vegans going to holiday parties is to prepare your own holiday dish and take it along.
    If you’re afraid of stepping on toes by brining a dish, then eat before you go to the party to avoid a grumbling tummy all evening. This is especially helpful if you’re a new vegan and don’t want to be tempted by other foods.
    Non-vegans aren’t going to drastically change what they use and eat simply because you’re vegan. Remember, it’s a lifestyle choice and everyone isn’t going to agree with you. Instead, have fun and stick to your principles and don’t feel pressured or offended when others try to get you to change your mind. Be ready for the questions and prepare informed and friendly answers to open your relatives and friends minds.

Remember, there’s more to the holidays than food.  This time of years is all about love, cheer and spending quality time with family: being together, making memories and rounding the year on a high note!

Do you need guidance putting together a routine for the new year that you can stick with, satisfying meals for the upcoming events or figuring out the right timing for you?

If you are serious about reaching your healthy weight learning the Vegan Girl Method then Click to Apply  so you can get the education you need from a vegan Registered Dietitian (that’s me). I can teach you how to eat for fat loss and sustainable results.

For more on how to have successful weight loss on a nutrient-dense Vegan Diet, let’s connect!

Carol Aguirre MS, RD/LDN