There are less than 4 weeks LEFT until the end of the year…don’t give up on yourself!

Just the slightest tweaks in your mindset and decision making will make a massive difference, so you ensure that you enter 2023 one step ahead of your health goals because YOU’RE WORTH IT!⁣ ⁣

And when it gets tough, just remind yourself how you want to feel on January 1 –

tired, remorseful, and bloated OR energized, proud of yourself, and strong!

Follow these 7 tips this month and let’s see how much progress you make and how amazing you can FEEL:
1. Go to bed 30 mins earlier instead of looking at social media
2. Go for a 30-minute walk instead of sitting on coach
3. Positive affirmations instead of self-sabotage
4. Eat 3 balanced meals with ENOUGH protein instead of cravings/overeating at night
5. Make self-care a non-negotiable instead of feeling hopeless
6. Eat at home Monday through Friday (that way you’re in more control of a balanced meal and your portions)
7. Make 1 meal (at least) per day veggie -centric with lots of color and fiber!

Are you ready to enter 2023 ahead of the game because you didn’t wait to start fueling your body healthy and balanced. Let’s get it vegan babe!

I help women feel empowered with their vegan choices to reach their healthy weight. You will get step by step guidance, accountability and support along your journey to reach your health goals!

If you are ready to commit to yourself and start making habit changes for REAL sustainable results!

Want more information and assistance with your Vegan Weight Loss Journey to help you move into the new year with success?  Click to Apply and learn the Vegan Girl Method so I can teach you how to eat for fat loss and sustainable results.

For more on how to have successful weight loss on a nutrient-dense Plant Based Diet, let’s connect!

Carol Aguirre MS, RD/LDN