Do you ever feel like you’re eating healthy as a vegan, but still not losing weight? It makes you feel like your body is broken, but the truth is, you just may be focusing on the wrong things!

Here are 4 reasons you might be struggling with your vegan diet:

  • Not Eating Balanced Meals.
    It is important to have a combination of protein, carbs and fat paired with color to keep you satisfied for hours.
  • You are Mindlessly Snacking.
    Always ask yourself: are you eating because you are truly hungry or using food as a means of coping with your emotions think stress, bored, angry, etc?
  • Not being consistent.
    Inconsistency is usually a result of not being confident in your approach to weightloss. If you’re always second guessing what you’re doing because everyone is saying something different (or its making you miserable), its hard to be motivated to stick with it.
  • Not prioritizing sleep.
    The amount of sleep you get is JUST as important as your melas and exercise. Sleep helps you:control your appetite, make better food choices and maintain a healthy metabolism

Do you need guidance putting together a routine that you can stick with, satisfying meals or figuring out the right timing for you?

If you are serious about reaching your healthy weight learning the Vegan Girl Method then Click to Apply  so you can get the education you need from a vegan Registered Dietitian (that’s me). I can teach you how to eat for fat loss and sustainable results.

For more on how to have successful weight loss on a nutrient-dense Vegan Diet, let’s connect!

Carol Aguirre MS, RD/LDN